Sunday 8 December 2013

Praanaayaam mantra - 8

I praise the all-knowing Lord of the universe, Who existed before its creation, Who is the Bestower of all cherished desires and Master of all precious materials.

O Lord, Source of all knowledge, become easily accessible to us and unite us with Yourself as a father does his son.

O Lord, grant that our teachers and preceptors may shower their blessings on us. May the earth, the clouds and space, scientifically explored, bring happiness for us.

O Lord, may we spread aerology for peace, and also invoke the moon who gives us the wealth of tranquillity. Being a creator of fluids etc., she protects the world. 
May we seek Your benign shelter. You are the Guard of great and noble deeds. Be gracious enough to produce amongst us great scholars who are fully conversant with the Vedic teachings.

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