Sunday 8 December 2013

Praanaayaam mantra - 8

I praise the all-knowing Lord of the universe, Who existed before its creation, Who is the Bestower of all cherished desires and Master of all precious materials.

O Lord, Source of all knowledge, become easily accessible to us and unite us with Yourself as a father does his son.

O Lord, grant that our teachers and preceptors may shower their blessings on us. May the earth, the clouds and space, scientifically explored, bring happiness for us.

O Lord, may we spread aerology for peace, and also invoke the moon who gives us the wealth of tranquillity. Being a creator of fluids etc., she protects the world. 
May we seek Your benign shelter. You are the Guard of great and noble deeds. Be gracious enough to produce amongst us great scholars who are fully conversant with the Vedic teachings.

Praanaayaam mantra - 7

The Lord God who sustains the tremendous sun, the earth and other planets, who maintains the equilibrium of the planets in space and gives them movement, Who grants salvation and sustains happiness, may we adore Him and worship His supreme Being with all our heart.

O Lord of all creatures, there is none equal to You. You are above all. You are supreme. May You fulfill our cherished desires. May we be enriched by the possession of material wealth of the world.

Almighty God is the Producer and the Creator of the entire universe. He is our friend and well-wisher. He knows all the names, places and sources of everything in all the world. Having attained liberation, the enlightened souls move freely throughout the universe. May we worship and adore Him with earnest devotion.

O Lord self-radiant, Source of all true knowledge, You are fully aware of our actions. For the sake of our advancement, lead us on the path of virtue. May we attain success in casting away debasing and sinful desires and keep away from undesirable ways. We adore You over and over again.

Praanaayaam mantra - 6

Praanaayaam mantra - 5

Praanaayaam mantra - 4

O almighty God, You are the greatest of all in goodness. You are beyond darkness. You are the Illuminator of all that imparts lustre. We approach Your divine Majesty through truthfulness in thought, word and deed.

O Lord, You are the Revealer of the true knowledge of the Vedas. All things great and small, organic and inorganic, the whole universe, the entire creation serve as signals to lead us on to Your glory.

May He, Who is the Soul of the whole universe, Who is all pervading, Who is free from all hatred and attachment, Who helps the righteous and the noble, reveal His Own Self in our hearts.

The Supreme Being, the Seer of all, the Benefactor of the learned and the Righteous was pious before the creation and is pious during its existence. May we see His divine vision for a hundred years - the full span of our life. May we suffer no frailty. May we live with our sight, hearing, speech, intellect and all other faculties unimpaired, enjoying freedom for more than a hundred years, with

perfect health of body, mind and soul and in true bliss.

Praanaayaam mantra - 3

O gentle and noble God, we visualise Your presence in the northern direction, showering peace and bliss upon us. We pay homage to You and thank You for Your protection which You provide by means of the forces of nature such as lightning etc. Whoever hates, or feels enimical, including ourselves, we submit to Your rule of justice.

O almighty God, we feel Your presence in the regions above us. May we be pure and magnanimous in our thoughts and actions. We bow before You and thank You for the protection by means of the rains and other seasonal phenomenon. Whoever hates, or feels enimical, including ourselves, we submit to Your rule of

Praanaayaam mantra - 2

O Lord, we feel Your presence-in the southern direction, which signifies ability and efficiency as our Lord of prosperity and the Controller of our minds. We pay homage to You and thank You for Your protection which You provide us in the form of scholars spreading true knowledge. Whoever hates, or feels enimical,
including ourselves, we submit to Your rule of Justice.

O Lord, we see You with our minds fixed in the western direction as the mightiest Master and Protector of all. W e bow before You and thank You for our protection by the means of food. Whoever hates, or feels enimical, including ourselves, we submit to Your rule of justice.